Avantgarde Extreme 14 - Mjamm Mjamm, das Marsmädchen

Mjamm Mjamm, the Martian girl feat. Mègane & Ricki Tzatzicki, Pipi.
” Now we write 12th of March, 2050. This afternoon around 15H the shop assistant delivered the Mars girl. I had to promise Alfred quite firmly, to be there and to accept the MARS GIRL, otherwise today he would not have gone sometimes to the work, the cool dog. And the stupid Mars girl turned out of course the most superfluous being which one can fancy in a household…”
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2 +1 -1 Beat 4 years ago

«Megane war immer megageil und pervers: mich wÜrde mal interessieren was aus ihr geworden ist»

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3 +1 -1 Popi 4 years ago

«Please upload experiment ausgelifert sein series 3; 4; 5; 7; 8; 9; 1»

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3 +1 -1 Popi 4 years ago

«Thanks for uploaded»